Steve Jobs 配音,蘋果 1997 年的「那些瘋子」廣告
Saturday, October 8th, 20111997 年蘋果的廣告,由 Steve Jobs 親自配音的版本。
Here’s to the crazy one, the misfit, the rebel, the troublemaker, the round peg in the square hole, the one who saw things differently.
He’s not fond of rules. And he had no respect for the status quo.
You can quote him, disagree with him, glorify or vilify him. About the only thing you can’t do is ignore him. Because he changed things. He pushed the human race forward.
And while some may have seen him as the crazy one, we saw genius. Because the man who was crazy enough to think he could change the world, was the one who did.
謹獻給我們這個時代的瘋子,那個真的改變這個世界的人 — Steve Jobs。