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March 16th, 2010 by Jamie

我一直很努力的想要愛上 Apple 的產品,從第一代 iPod Mini 開始,到現在的 Touch,我前前後後用過 5 台 iPod,家裡也有一支 Mrs. Jamie 用的 iPhone 3G。理論上越升級,隨著軟硬體的進步,我應該要越喜歡這些產品。但相反的,我卻越覺得 Apple 的設計理念和我漸行漸遠。

其實說穿了,這些不滿意,常常都只是一些小東西,例如:突然發現 iPod 從 Touch 開始沒辦法當隨身碟使用,或是 iPhone 沒辦法讓 MSN Messenger 常駐在背景。而且我通常對科技產品的容忍度是很高的 — 連問題一堆的 Android G1 我可以忍受他一年多,但是,我就是沒辦法忍受蘋果對產品功能設下的諸多限制,也說不上來原因。

直到今天我讀到提姆‧布雷 (Tim Bray,XML 發明人之一) 網誌上,關於他為何加入 Android 團隊的文章,我才恍然大悟。原來,我是沒辦法忍受不自由!


The iPhone vision of the mobile Internet’s future omits controversy, sex, and freedom, but includes strict limits on who can know what and who can say what. It’s a sterile Disney-fied walled garden surrounded by sharp-toothed lawyers. The people who create the apps serve at the landlord’s pleasure and fear his anger.

I hate it.

I hate it even though the iPhone hardware and software are great, because freedom’s not just another word for anything, nor is it an optional ingredient…

The big thing about the Web isn’t the technology, it’s that it’s the first-ever platform without a vendor (credit for first pointing this out goes to Dave Winer). From that follows almost everything that matters, and it matters a lot now, to a huge number of people. It’s the only kind of platform I want to help build.

Apple apparently thinks you can have the benefits of the Internet while at the same time controlling what programs can be run and what parts of the stack can be accessed and what developers can say to each other.

I think they’re wrong and see this job as a chance to help prove it.


iPhone 版的“未來行動通訊”,排除了爭論、情色和自由,但加入了諸多對於知的權力和言論自由的限制。他是一個像迪士尼樂園一樣的世界 — 先消毒殺菌然後與世隔絕,最後再派一群尖牙厲嘴的律師當保鑣。開發應用的人變成像佃農一樣,要隨著地主的心情起舞,深怕惹他生氣。



網路最重要的革命,是他去除了中間人 (大衛‧魏能是第一個指出這件事情的人)。而在這樣重要的基礎架構上,我們衍生出了許多非常重要的應用,而這些成果,早已變成你我生命中的一部份。像這樣的平台,是我想要幫忙建立的。


我覺得他們錯了,而我去 Android 就是要幫忙證明這一點。


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